How to Speak Wookie

If you ever wanted to know how to talk to Chewbacca.. or maybe just understand what the hell he was saying.. well have I got a find for you!!!!  My husband and I ran to Target last night to pick up a couple of things and I came across this doozy…. I assure you.. it’s real.. I know it is because I played with it for 5




You push the button that the page tells you and Chewy says what it says.. but only in his language.. now I’m sure with some practice you’ll be able to speak it fluently asap!!



Happy Anniversary baby

Wow, it’s been 3 years already.  Time really does fly when you’re having fun, or fighting, or struggling, or just trying to make it day to day. 

Image (wow have we changed)

I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday.  It was a Monday, and honestly who gets married on a Monday?  And for that matter, it is National “Star Wars Day”, so again I ask, who gets married on a Monday or National Star Wars Day?  That would be my husband and me of course.  We’ve never done anything traditionally so why should something as miniscule as a wedding be traditional either?  Add to the “out of the norm” equation and you’d have our wedding party.  It consisted of the pastor who used to be my neighbor and lived directly across the street from my ex husband, my ex mother in law and ex sister in law (who love me more then they do him) and my kids.  Yup, we are a strange bunch. 


My how things have changed in 3 years.  We both look different for starters.  I’ve lost a great deal of weight.  He’s retired from the Air Force and has let his hair grow out and a goatee, which I find sexy as hell and, we moved my kids and I 1500 miles away from Texas to Virginia, talk about a culture shock there! 


Our road has been through lots of hard times and speed bumps.  We never got a chance to try to blend in as a new family before issue’s from previous families burst into our lives making it damn near impossible.  But, one thing that has remained constant is the fact that we are in love, and nothing either of the ex’s does is going to destroy that fact.  They can try, and oh trust me they have and continue to try, but it’s not going to work.   We will continue to walk this road together, hand in hand, heart to heart.

Image(much better)

So today I’m going to say “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY” my love.  Thank you for making my life so much better in so many ways.  Thank you for loving me unconditionally and making me feel so special.  Thank you for helping me learn to love myself and heal the scars of the past.  I only hope I can give you back the love you give me and make you feel like the most important person on the Earth.  I love you Robert.